Spring Vale Primary School
Together Everyone Achieving More

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Sports and PE play a crucial role in our curriculum at Spring Vale. Each child has access to Dance, Gymnastics and Competitive Sports on a weekly basis. In the EYFS, our youngest learners have daily opportunities, through PE and physical activity, to develop their of key skills such as agility, balance and co-ordination but also confidence, knowledge of healthy lifestyles and build a foundation for the lifelong love of sports. Our Pupils have the opportunity to attend after school clubs and become play leaders, leading playground games and encouraging others to engage in new sports. In addition to promoting healthy lifestyles, one of our key curriculum drivers, PE promotes opportunities for children to be creative, cooperative and competitive, and to face up to different challenges both as individuals and in groups. Our pupils represent Spring Vale in a range of sports, from Gaelic football to swimming, developing the notion of fair play, honest competition, good sportspersonship, dealing with both success and defeat.
Sporting Fixtures will be announced throughout the school year. Look out for sport spotlights on our weekly newsletter!
Subject Leaders: Miss B Cox (Gym and Dance) and Mr J Marsh (Competitive Sports)